
The Efficient, Inventive (Often Annoying) Melvil Dewey

Calkins Creek (Boyds Mills& Kane)

(pub. 11.10.2020) 

40 pages

A True Tale with

A Cherry On Top   

A uthor: 
Alexis O'Neill
       and illustrator:   
Edwin Fotheringham
C haracter:  Melvil Dewey

"Melvil Dewey’s love of organization and words at a very early age drove him to develop and implement his Dewey Decimal Classification system, a school to train librarians, inventions to streamline librarians’ work, and more, leaving a significant and lasting impact in libraries throughout the world."

T antalizing taste: 

     "Melvil Dewey loves putting things in order.

    Oh, no - what's he doing now?

    He's organized the chaos of his mother's kitchen cupboard. And now the cellar.

    There. Nice and neat.      

    Melvil loves keeping track of things.

    He's recording his height. His weight. How much money he has earned.

    Melvil loves books. He tucks his money into this pocket and goes for a ten-mile walk.

    Wait - where is he going?"

And something more: I attended the wonderful virtual release celebration of The Efficient, Inventive (Often Annoying) Melvil Dewey, and later Alexis shared with me the inspiration for the book: "A goofy video about the Dewey Decimal Classification system sent to me by a school library sparked this book about this quirky and controversial creator of the DDC. The number 10 held Dewey in thrall throughout his life. His birthday is on December 10. As a kid, he walked 10 miles from his home in Adams Center to Watertown, New York to purchase a dictionary for a reported $10. He even said, 'I am so loyal to decimals that I even like to sleep decimally” – 10 hours a night!'"


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I can't wait to read this one, Jeanne. That cover is just wonderful and it will be such fun to see a children's biography of Melvil Dewey. Hopefully we can get a copy ordered for our college KidLit section. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi 2Shaye,
Yes, the cover draws us into the story. I think you'll enjoy the story! Thanks for stopping by