(pub. 2.28.2017)
32 pages
A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top
A uthor: Carole Boston Weatherford
and illustrator: Sarah Green
C haracter: Dorothea Lange
O verview from the jacket flap:
"Dorothea Lange always wanted to be a photographer.
32 pages
A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top
A uthor: Carole Boston Weatherford
and illustrator: Sarah Green
C haracter: Dorothea Lange
O verview from the jacket flap:
"Dorothea Lange always wanted to be a photographer.
She knew she could see what others missed. She understood being overlooked after polio left her with a limp and her classmates avoided her. But polio also gave Dorothea a sense of empathy, which she would never lose.
When the Great Depression struck, that empathy led Dorothea to take her camera to the streets. She took photos of men waiting in breadlines and sleeping on sidewalks...
But Dorothea didn't stop there. People began to notice her photographs and soon she was working for the government. Into the dust bowl, into migrant camps, she went looking for the poor, the hungry, those who had been forgotten. She was in search of faces to depict the Great Depression.
In lyrical prose, Dorothea Lange tells the story of how the photographer found what she was looking for and got America to take note."
T antalizing taste:
T antalizing taste:
"Now the family was stranded and starving.
Dorothea shot a half-dozen or so pictures
of the mother and her children -
the last a close-up of the woman's deeply lined face.
She looks much older than her thirty-two years.
After two of the photos ran in the newspaper,
the government rushed ten tons of food to the camp.
Because Dorothea turned her lens on hunger and poverty,
Florence Owens Thompson, a full-blooded Cherokee,
became the face of the Great Depression.
And the nation could not look the other way."
This and the Maya Lin book are two I have I have on my "must purchase" list. How wonderful to read books about remarkable women!
I have read other stuff about Dorothea Lange, but need to get my hands on a copy of this book. Unfortunately, my library doesn't have a copy yet.
Thank you Tara!! I so appreciate your "must purchase" comment about my MAYA LIN book. And I think you'll really enjoy the DOROTHEA LANGE book. Thanks for stopping by!
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