of Jacqueline Kennedy's
Fight for an American Icon
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
(pub. 3.7.2017)
48 pages
A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top
A uthor: Natasha Wing
and illustrator: Alexandra Boiger
C haracter: Jacqueline Kennedy
O verview from the jacket flap:
"Jacqueline Kennedy loved everything about her home city, from the beauty of the parks to the grandeur of the buildings. Grand Central Terminal was one of the grandest buildings of all - but in 1968, it was in danger of destruction. Jackie couldn't imagine changing New York City's famous train station! So the former First Lady of the United States and other passionate Americans came together to save the iconic landmark, embarking on a journey that went all the way to the Supreme Court. And as they fought to preserve the past, those who loved Grand Central made history."
T antalizing taste:
"When Jackie had renovated the White House, she realized how much Americans cared about their history. New Yorkers didn't want to lose this link to their city's past either. So Jackie wasn't going to let that happen.
Like a powerful locomotive, Jackie led the charge to preserve the landmark she and New York city loved. She joined city leaders and founded the Committee to Save Grand Central. She spoke at press conferences and made headlines."
and something more: I enjoyed reading about the author's and illustrator's connections to Grand Central:
Like a powerful locomotive, Jackie led the charge to preserve the landmark she and New York city loved. She joined city leaders and founded the Committee to Save Grand Central. She spoke at press conferences and made headlines."
"Natasha Wing and Alexandra Boiger both say that a visit to Grand Central is not complete without walking into the Main Concourse and looking up - where the stars shine fro the cerulean ceiling.
Natasha grew up in Connecticut, not far from New York City. Traveling by train, she was awed by Grand Central as it welcomed her to the bustling city... Alexandra spent her childhood in Germany, but after she grew up, she moved to New York City for several years and came to love Grand Central."
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