(pub. 6.21.2018)
40 pages
A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top
A uthor: Zindzi, Zazi and Ziwelene Mandela
and illustrator: Sean Qualls
C haracter: Nelson Mandela
O verview from the jacket flap:
"Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 in the Transkei, South Africa. He became famous for his long struggle for freedom for his people from the government-run system of apartheid, which ruled that white and black people had to be separate. His protests against the government eventually led to his imprisonment for 27 years. After his release, he sat down at a table with members of the government to work on a peaceful solution to the fighting, and won the Nobel Prize for Peace. As the first black President of South Africa, he dismantled apartheid, believing that South Africa was a 'rainbow nation,' with people of all races and colors working together. Nelson Mandela died in 2013, but remains an inspiration to people around the world today..."
T antalizing taste:
"'Did Grandad have to have his birthday in prison?' asked Ziwelene.
'Yes, but he wasn't allowed to have a party. We had to celebrate it from him outside. Big Mummy still had their wedding cake, which they never had time to cut when they got married."'Did Grandad have to have his birthday in prison?' asked Ziwelene.
Every year on his birthday, she would bring it out, light a candle, and say a prayer.'"
"Ambassador Zindzi Mandela is a South African freedom fighter, diplomat, writer, speaker, cultural advocate, ad favorite Grandma She is the last born child of Mrs. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and President Nelson Mandela She currently serves as South Africa's ambassador to Denmark."
"Zazi Mandela (age 8) and Ziwelene Mandela (age 6) are the great-grandchildren of Mrs. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and President Nelson Mandela. Zazi is a storyteller and an aspiring performer. Ziwelene is a storyteller and a maverick."
Oh I love to hear the additional information about the three authors. I'm glad to learn of this book. Thanks for sharing!
This is a new book to me and looks great. Like Shaye, I love that extra connection with the authors. Thanks!
Hi 2Shaye,
I'm glad you found that interesting about the three related authors.
Thanks for stopping by!
Another wonderful PBB that I am adding to my list. Thanks, Jeanne!
HI Linda,
That's great to hear that you liked learning about the connections with the authors.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Myra,
You're the best! Thanks for adding another PBB that I reviewed here to your list.
Thanks for stoppign by!
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