
SUPERHEROES Are Everywhere

Philomel Books
(Penguin Random House)
(pub. 1.8.2019) 
 40 pages

A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top   

 A uthor:  Kamala Harris
        and illustrator: 
        Mechal Renee Roe
C haracter: Kamala Harris

 verview from the front flap: 
     "Before Kamala Harris became a lawyer and a United States senator, she was a little girl who loved superheroesl 
      And when she looked around, she was amazed to find them everywhere! In her family, among her friends, even down the street there were superheroes wherever she looked. And those superheroes showed her that all you need to do to be a superhero is to be the best that you can be.
     In this empowering and joyful picture-book memoir that speaks directly to kids, Kamala Harris takes readers through her life and shows the that the power to make the world a better place is inside all of us."

Tantalizing taste: 
     "My mom was a superhero because she made me feel special. She believed in me, and that helped me believe I could do anything.
     Who makes you feel special? ...
     My grandfather used his voice to make India a free country.
     All of my grandparents in India and in Jamaica were superheroes for standing up for what's right.
     Who stands up for what's right in your life? ...

     Teachers like Mrs. Wilson are superheroes because they show us the whole world and help us chase our dreams.
     Who are your favorite teachers?"

And something more: The short biography on the back flap of SUPERHEROES Are Everywhere explains that "Kamala Harris serves as a U.S. senator from California. Before becoming a senator, she worked in the Alameda County district attorney's office [and every time she had to stand before a judge, she was proud to say, 'Kamala Harris, for the people."] 
     And then she was elected district attorney of San Francisco and later elected attorney general of California.
     The second African American woman and the first person of Indian descent ever elected to the U.S. Senate, she works hard to make sure all people have equal rights, especially kids."


Kellee Moye (@kelleemoye) said...

Oh, I need to find this one to read to Trent :) Thank you for sharing! I didn't realize Kamala had a PB.

Happy reading this week :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Looks like a lovely read. :) Thanks for sharing. Have a great reading week!

Linda B said...

This one about heroes, among many, will be terrific to have for young girls, perhaps especially as the race to the election becomes even more exciting. Kamala Harris is one to watch! It is great to read your examples, would be fun to have kids write their own hero stories! Thanks, Jeanne!

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Awww. SUPERHEROES Are Everywhere sounds so good. Reminds me of one of my favorite Mr. Roger's quotes (from his mom): 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' Because the helpers really are the superheroes. Thanks for sharing this one, Jeanne!

Cheriee Weichel said...

What an amazing woman, and it's true isn't it? Superheroes really are everywhere!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Kellee,
Yes! I think Trent will enjoy it. It's very interactive, too.
Thanks for stopping by.

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Myra,

Yes, it is a lovely read.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Linda,
Yes, I think it's a perfect book for children to read in connection with the election. And the way she's set up the questions addressed to the reader after she gives her examples of superheroes in her own life creates a perfect writing exercise for students.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi 2Shaye,
What a lovely quote from Mr. Rogers. Yes, she set up a creative way to tell her story, and inspire children to look for the superheroes in their lives.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Cheriee,
Yes! This book will truly inspire children to look for superheroes, not only in their lives but everywhere.
Thanks for stopping by!