
One Fun Day with Lewis Carroll

A Celebration of Wordplay
and a Girl Named Alice

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

32 pages

A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top   

A uthor:  Kathleen Krull
    and illustrator: Julia Sarda

C haracter: Lewis Carroll

 verview from the jacket flap: 

     What might those words mean? Lewis Carroll could tell you; he thought them up! He also dreamed up some of the most playful, beloved and enduring stories and poems in literary history. The most famous of those was for his young friend Alice, in a tale about tumbling into Wonderland.
     Interwoven with words and phrase of Carroll's own invention, One Fun Day with Lewis Carroll is a freewheeling celebration of language, wordplay, and imagination. Callooh! Callay!"

T antalizing taste: 
     "Lewis's friends in the boat were glued to their seats, not daring to gyre or gimble. Not even a Bandersnatch could have distracted them. Lewis added details that kep the real Alice and her sisters beamish, and also peppered the tale with things that would tickle grownups. He threw in breathless escapes, witty arguments about nothing, and one slithy surprise after another."
and something more: The Back Matter of One Fun Day with Lewis Carroll states that "Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ... lived in England during the Victorian era. It was a stuffy time, when even children's books weren't intended to be fun: instead, they were to offer lectures about good behavior ... In his twenties, always playing with words, he translated 'Charles Lutwidge' into Latin and then back into English, reversing the words to become 'Lewis Carroll' the name by which we know him today."
     I was fascinated to learn that "nearly two hundred words invented or adapted by Carroll appear in the Oxford English Dictionary...", many of which are included in a delightful glossary in the book.


Shaye said...

Wow. I clearly didn't know these trivia bits about Lewis Carrol. I need to see if I can get my hands on One Fun Day. Thanks so much for sharing! ~Shaye

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Shaye,

I was surprised to learn all of this about Lewis Carroll also. It's a really wonderful book! I think you'll enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by!

Cheriee Weichel said...

Once upon a time I used to be able to recite Jaberwocky. I can still get the first couple of verses but can't recall the rest.
I sure wish this book was available in my local system. I'll try and see if I can find it through interlibrary loan.

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Cheriee,
That's fun that you once could recite it! Such creativity and delicious word choices.

thanks for stopping by!

GatheringBooks said...

Oooh! This is NICE! I didn't know about this one. Checking whether we already have it in our libraries. :)

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Myra,

Yes! The book is quite frabjous!

Thanks for stopping by

Kellee Moye (@kelleemoye) said...

Kathleen Krull does such amazing work! I haven't read this one yet--I'll have to see if my library has it.

Hope you have had a wonderful reading week :)

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Kellee,

Yes! I think you'll really enjoy this book!

Thanks for stopping by