
Away With Words

The Daring Story
of Isabella Bird

Peachtree Publishers
(pub. 3.1.2019) 
36 pages

A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top   

A uthor: Lori Mortensen
 and illustrator: Kristy Caldwell 
C haracter: Isabella Bird

 verview from the jacket flap: 

     "Isabella Bird ... had to explore.
     That was easier said than done in nineteenth-century England.  But somehow Isabella persisted, and with each journey, she breathed in new ways to see and describe everything around her.
     Question by question, word by word, Isabella bloomed.
     First, out in the English countryside.
     Then, off to America and Canada.
     And eventually, around the world, to Africa, Asia, Australia, and more.
     Always more - more places, more questions, more words - and all those experiences became books, in which she described the land she traveled, the people she met, and the dangers she experienced, to a fascinated audience who could only dream of such travels and adventures.
     And finally, Isabella returned home to England, where she became the first female member of the Royal Geographic Society an was presented to Queen Victoria.
     But to wild-vine Isabella, the world was home."
T antalizing taste:  

     "Each voyage tested her mettle. Each place revealed something new.
     In the Sandwich Islands, Isabella traded her skirt for bloomerlike full Turkish trousers and clambered up Kilauea, a towering, lava-spewing volcano. Up until then, she'd always worn a skirt and ridden sidesaddle - the ladylike way to ride. But concessions had to be made to climb a volcano."

And something more: The Author's Note in AWAY WITH WORDS explained that "Isabella Bird grew up during the Victorian Age. Although her parents taught her French, literature, history, art, scriptures, Latin, and botany at home, society offered little opportunity for her or any other women of the era. The longer Isabella remained at home, the more depressed she became and the worse her symptoms grew. Once she sailed away from England, her spirit soared."


Linda B said...

Thanks for this 'taste' of Away with Words, Jeanne. I have it in my stack to share soon.

Cheriee Weichel said...

Thanks for this introduction. The language sounds gorgeous and the story important.

Anonymous said...

This PBB has been on my list now - and included it in the list of books to be purchased by our librarian. It really looks great.

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Thanks for sharing Away with Words -- this is a new-to-me title! Have a wonderful reading week (and my apologies for being so late making it around to everyone's #imwayr blogs).

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

HI Linda,
I think you'll enjoy AWAY WITH WORDS -- glad it's in your stack.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Cheriee,
Yes, it's a fascinating story and inspiring, too.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

HI Myra,
That's terrific that this book on the "to buy" list for the librarian.
THanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi 2Shaye,
I'm glad I was able to introduce a new pb bio to you. (And of course no apologies to me ever for being slow to comment ... I'm SO very appreciative that you stop by regularly).