
I Am Farmer

Growing an Environmental
Movement in Cameroon

Millbrook Press
(Lerner Publishing)
(pub. 2.5.2019) 
32 pages

A True Tale with
A Cherry On Top   

A uthor: Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul
 and illustrator: Elizabeth Zunon 
C haracter: Tantoh Nforba

 verview from the jacket flap: 
     "When Tantoh Nforba was a child, he loved the dirt and all that grew in his grandmother's garden. In school, his fellow students mocked him by calling him Farmer. His older brother told him to study hard so he could one day get a job in an office. But Tantoh knew that wasn't the right path for him.
     Today Tantoh is proud to call himself Farmer. Farmer Tantoh is an environmental leader, bringing clean water and bountiful organic gardens to the central African nation of Cameroon. He is also the founder of the international charity Save Your Future Association. 
     Authors Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul traveled through northwest Cameroon with Farmer Tantoh to see firsthand how his grassroots work is growing a movement.
     Elizabeth Zunon's intricate collage illustrations authentically bring to life this powerful story of community."
T antalizing taste: "At college, Farmer Tantoh is thirsty to learn everything he can. Although he soaks up plenty of facts and figures, clean water is still scarce. He contracts typhoid from drinking the local water. He is so sick, he worries he may not live long enough to graduate.
     For seven years, medical doctors and local healers use their knowledge, medicines, and herbs to make Farmer Tantoh feel better. During his recovery, he thinks a lot about his future, and the future of his fellow Cameroonians. No one should die from drinking something that is necessary for life: water."

And something more: I'm thrilled to share the thoughts of I AM FARMER's illustrator, Liz Zunon, (who also beautifully illustrated a book I wrote, MY HANDS SING THE BLUES - Romare Bearden's Childhood Journey):

    "I loved creating Farmer Tantoh's world out of shades of blue, green and brown papers, and experimenting with watercolors for the first time. Every element of each illustration is a piece of paper that I traced out, cut and glued onto my backgrounds... So many tiny pieces of paper! I also used pastel colored pencil to give Tantoh and the characters in the book highlights and shadows on their beautiful brown skin. It's amazing what a little highlight on a cheek or nose will do to bring the character to life! 
     I was fortunate to meet the real-life Farmer Tantoh recently, and was inspired by his passion and all of his accomplishments. You can learn more about Farmer Tantoh and his environmental projects here:  https://www.syfaglobal.org"


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Thanks for sharing! I am adding this title to my TBR list. I just love it when we get to hear from the illustrator -- about their methods and what they were going to make the art come to life. Have a wonderful reading week, Jeanne!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi 2Shaye,

I'm glad to hear you're adding I AM FARMER to your "to be read" list. And I appreciate that you said you enjoyed hearing what the illustrator said about creating her illustrations for the book.

thanks for stopping by!