

The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell

Harper Collins

(pub. 2.25.2020) 

48 pages

A True Tale with

A Cherry On Top   

A uthor and illustrator: 
      Selina Alko
C haracter: Joni Mitchell

"When Joni Mitchell wrote songs, her lyrics told stories. When she sang, her music spoke the truth.

But before composing more than two hundred songs, Joni was a young girl from a town on the Canadian prairie, where she learned to love dancing, painting, birdsong, and piano. As she grew up into an artist, Joni took her strong feelings—feelings of love and frustration, the pain of having polio, and the turbulence that came with being a young woman—and wrote them into vivid songs.

Brought to life by Selina Alko’s rainbow collages and lyrical language, this heartfelt portrait of a feminist and folk icon is perfect for parents, children, and music lovers everywhere."

T antalizing taste: 

"Next, Joni followed her music to New York City. Her neighborhood, Chelsea, was abuzz with energy. There were a thousand stories on a single block. The sounds of horns and people and pigeons drifted through butterscotch curtains.

Joni wrote her feelings of joy and wonder into a song called 'Chelsea Morning.'"

And something more:  In the Author's Note, author-illustrator Selina Alko explains that "in creating Joni's story for this picture book, I felt as if I was on a  personal journey of self-discovery, remembering my earliest creative and artistic influences - a captive on my own 'carousel of time.'"


Max @ Completely Full Bookshelf said...

This book sounds very intriguing! I know Joni Mitchell's name but basically nothing about her, so I'm sure I could learn a lot here! Thanks for the great post!

Jenni said...

This sounds interesting! Both Sides Now was one of the first piano pieces I learned. It sounds like the art adds a lot to this book.
Thanks for featuring it!

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I'll be on the look out for The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell. I think my two daughters will especially be interested, due to their involvement in music/singing. Thanks for sharing, Jeanne!

Cheriee Weichel said...

Because I am still a huge Joni Mitchell fan, (My sister and I new all the words on all her early albums and would sing along) I like how this one captures the essence of her life, even if it leaves out some important details.

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Completely Full Bookshelf,
Yes, it's wonderful to learn more about her childhood and life.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Jenni,
"Both Sides Now" -- such a classic! Yes, the illustrations, in the form of collages, really do contribute to the book.
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi 2Shaye,
I'm certain your daughters will savor this book in connection with music and singing!
Thanks for stopping by!

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Hi Cheriee,
I too am a big fan of Joni Mitchell. And, yes, picture book biographies can't include everything about a person's life, but I agree that this one does capture the essence of her life.
Thanks for stopping by!